Thursday, November 4, 2010

And The Beat Goes On!

Well, the hard work of the last 18 months has now shown its muscle. As citizens across the nation, who have turned out in force to show our government and its elected officials the time has come. The time has come for limited government, with less taxation, and less intrusion into the lives of Americans.

Citizens do not be fooled or lay back and expect change just because your vote has changed the bodies that sit in the seats of the legislative bodies. This is just the first chapter of many that will be written to bring our country, our states, and our localities back to with-in a common sense form of leadership. We must stay involved.

As I traveled across the nation on the Constitution Ride Across America part of the message was how we need to be involved in our local governing bodies. This is where you as a citizen will make the greatest difference and can be most effective. We need to put our time and energy into these monthly meetings. Not everyone can represent us in Congress, our State Legislative body, or even as a local representative in your local governing body. Everyone can participate in the process, attend these local meetings, and make your voice heard at the local public hearings. Every great structure requires a strong foundation, or it will surely tumble.

Will you be a part of the foundation?

Will you sacrifice to attend the meetings of your local governing bodies?

As I have done since May 2009, I will continue to sacrifice and be at these meetings. I will continue to share my opinion at the public hearings. I hope you will too. This is the best place to learn and understand the process. You can’t fix it if you do not know what it is you need to fix. So get out and begin to be a part of changing America. Everyone who lives here has a part to play. It’s time for you to start carrying your own drum as “the beat goes on”.

Daren Gardner